Monday, 4 February 2013

Mars & Venus: Jan 29th

Forget the books, the blogs, the latest magazine article on how to find your dream man.

Forget the 10 golden rules or listening to your friends.

Instead, listen to your heart and act on instinct.

Imagine. You're in the airport, enjoying a glass of milk in the cafe.

He walks in. Your eyes meet. There's a connection.

You stand up, walk over, smile and  touch his hand. He smiles and throws himself on the ground, giggling.

Then, you start to dance. Right there in front on everyone. There's no need for introductions, you're both having too much fun.

His name is Cristofer. He's Equadorian and he's 3. An older man.

The love affair lasted less then 30 mins before Cristofer's parents had to leave.

As they left, Cristofer ran back to give Sofia another kiss goodbye. Sweet.

1 comment:

  1. oh my.........sounds like another girl I know whenever there was a "Latino" walking into the,fall in love,or vice versa and then - run out of time ...!!!
    Sofia has heart ,spirit,charm and like her Ma ..magic mojo !!
