Monday, 4 February 2013

Hot hot hot: Feb 1st

The oven door opened and we stepped through. 38°.

Hitting the street outside our hotel in Buenas Aires was not an enjoyable experience. I can't remember the last time I've had sweaty boobs. We were all dripping, it was so hot and humid. On top of that Ale was carrying Sofia in the back pack - now, that's a work out.

La Boca was an amazing and colourful quarter. What is now regarded as the,'bohemian' quarter was originally the skanky part of town near the docks where all the immigrants landed and many eventually stayed. The houses are all colourful because they only had access to leftover paint from the docks, so they used what they were given. It is filled with tango couples dancing on the corners, artists and even a Diego Maradona look-a-like. Yes - we got stung for $10 for photos, but hey....sometimes you just need to be a tourist.

We cooled down with a litre of beer at an outdoor restaurant run by an Italian, originally from Napoli, literally beside the train tracks. The setup was all very basic which made our short stay even more genuine.

Sofia was the first on the dancefloor, spinning to an Argentinian samba while the ever charming Pablo and Evelyn wowed us with their moves.
Evelyn accidently knocked a bottle of Pepsi over me for which I was so grateful. It gave me the opportunity to wash myself down with water thus masking all the sweat marks with the 'Hey, I needed to wash myself down' excuse.

So many colorful characters and stories in such a small area. It was so much fun, it almost made us forget the heat.

We ended our day with a choccie milkshake at the Tortoni cafe - a 150 year old establishment famous for all the writers and politicians who frequented the bar.

Late that night as we were lying under our ceiling fan and blasting air con, a massive storm hit which finally cooled down the city and made it bearable again.


  1. miiin... ma e' veramente il sosia di maradona!!!

  2. COLOUR !real colour..nothing quite like that here in Devon..check out Sofia's moves! I just soo want to be in her head for an hour a day..all those little "wows" to be stored away until she visits again as a grown up.
    xx Danielle

  3. Hee hee.....everytime Sofia hears music now, she looks up at me and says ´Mama, dance?´.
