Saturday, 9 March 2013

The Power of Colour: Feb 23rd

A friend once commented that if only sparrows were coloured (other than brown), then people would take more notice of them and comment on how beautiful they were.

I think he was right and Valparaiso is living proof what a powerful effect a splash of colour can add.

The 1000s of houses are built higgedly-piggedly over 46-ish hills that tumble down into the working port of Valparaiso. Many are rather beautiful with exceptional architecture but most are old, dilapidated homes that somehow stand upright perched precariously on the steep hills.

And colour is everywhere.

From the roofs to the walls to the stairs. It is the haven of artists and their 'fingerprints' can be seen on every corner, especially in the 'outdoor' museum where murals and mosiacs can be found randomly on seats and the sides of houses. It is like beauty has sprung up amongst what could have been one very unattractive town leaving it with a touch of magic that, I have no doubt, could be found anywhere else in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Charlie and Ale for all these shared experiences - I do feel like I'm 'seeing' Latin America too.
    xx D
